I was talking with a friend the other day and we were discussing enjoying the journey. When someone starts working with me they do so because they want to change something about their lives. There are many different things I work with my clients on, but the majority boils down to these main things.
Who Am I?
Do you know who you are? Can you list the things you want out of life? When learning who you are, the exciting part is you can to create her. You get to choose to always be growing and evolving. You have the power within yourself to become the person you have always wanted to be.
Take Responsibility
You then get to take full responsibility for your life. All parts. Even the parts about yourself you don’t like or in denial about. This is the scary part. This is the hard part. This is the part of the journey where you transition from living on autopilot to living consciously. This process took me about six months and it felt like I was wading knee deep in a swamp. I was too far in to turn around, but I couldn’t see the end or where I was going. I had to learn how to let go of the constant control I was trying to hold onto.
Feel Your Feelings
I had to make mistakes, negativity, and feeling bad, okay. I started to give myself permission to be a human. I started to learn about my feelings and how they are driving all of my actions.
Start Taking Inspired Action
This is the fun part, this is where you start seeing results. This is the work you do everyday to accomplish your dreams. Sometimes we don’t feel like it (see the above point) but we know that it will make us feel better in the long term.
Enjoying The Journey
Most people feel like personal development is a start to finish process. If I start this today then when can I expect to be finished? What is the end date? I am here to tell you there is no end date, because you will start to change. You will welcome in new daily practices that help you continue to grow. It no longer becomes about the destination it becomes about the journey.
When you accept the journey as your new reality you are able to start enjoying the process. You are able to accept the unknown, and progress everyday to your goals.
Ellie Curry