What Are Your Desires
Have you ever thought that you are the person who gets to design your life? You have the control to know where your life is going. It is a powerful moment when you realize that you are in control, and the best place to start is with your desires.
What Are Desires
Desires are all the things you wish to have in life. They could be big like your career, or they could be small like the color nail polish you like to wear. They are important because once you know what you want out of life, you are able to take control to make them happen. If you want to accomplish something it is much easier to do if you have a plan on how to do it. Starting to acknowledge your desires is the first step in creating your plan.
How to Discover Your Desires
When I was discovering what I wanted my life to look like I took out a large piece of paper and I free wrote on it everything that I wanted. If you have never done this before it is good to write the big picture desires. Look at the different aspects of your life and make sure everything is included: career, love, hobbies, social life, home, education/growth, spirituality, money, self care, health/fitness, and friends/family. What do you want your life to look like in each of these areas? Also how do you want to feel in each of these areas?
A great tool that can help with this is Pinterest. Check out which boards you have already created, go through them and match your boards to the categories above. Then write down everything that you see. I was doing this exercise over the weekend, and I noticed I have so many pictures of flowers yet I never purchase them for my home. So under home I wrote down purchase flowers.
After you complete this you will have a bunch of desires for your life. This will make taking action much easier. You can sort the list in any way you want. You can continue to look at it by category. You could sort it by short-term and long-term goals. However you decide to sort it, this will help you make a plan you can use to start accomplishing your desires.
Ellie Curry