Self-care is a very important part of your day to day life. Rachel Hollis said it best: women are like vases and there is a tape of water always flowing filing us up, but we feel like we need to tip ourselves over so we can give it to our families, friends, communities. What really needs to happen is we need to stand tall, because once the vase is full it will start overflowing to everyone in our lives. To me, self-care is a way to show myself respect. I also think everyone’s version of self-care is going to look different. But here are some ideas to get you started.
- Cooking yourself a delicious meal (bonus points if you try a new recipe)
- Treat yourself to a facemask
- Sit down, relax, and watch your favorite show (bonus points to do it distraction free)
- Take a nice warm bubble bath
- Try a new workout class
- Take yourself to lunch
- Read a book that you keep putting off
- Do something you used to love to do from your childhood
- Paint your nails
- Go for a walk
- Call a friend you haven’t talk to in a while
- Forgive yourself … journal prompt: something I need to forgive myself for is… Now free write everything that comes out.
- Volunteer for a cause that is special to you
- Go to sleep early
- Play your favorite board game
Ellie Curry