I have to confess, I have been totally hiding out. Do you ever feel like some weeks you are crushing your goals and then other weeks you are procrastinating? Well the past couple of weeks I have been procrastinating.
Everybody responds differently to how they grow out of their comfort zone. Procrastination comes along when you have some fear that is unrecognized. You are caught between wanting your goals (growing out of your comfort zone) and your current comfort zone.
When we let the fear fester and we don’t build awareness around it a couple things can happen. We start to believe the lies we are telling ourselves around our fears. Our thoughts are powerful. When we let them go unnoticed we believe the stories that are thoughts are telling us.
We also can hide out. We start to try to hide from our goals, our daily tasks, even our thoughts. When I want to hide out, sleep takes center stage. I love hiding out by sleeping. How do you like to hide out? Some people overeat, some binge on Netflix, others shop.
What tasks are you trying to hide out from? What lies are you telling yourself about those tasks that are making you want to hide?
Ellie Curry