Do you ever catch yourself saying, “I am so overwhelmed?” Sometimes we can get lost in our emotions. They come in and become our comfort zone. I was living in loneliness and it became depression. Some of my clients live in worry and it becomes overwhelm. Living in fear becomes anxiety. When we make a negative emotion our comfort zone it can erode our confidence. All our attention is aimed at the emotion, we start losing ourselves.
When I came out of my depression, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t let an emotion take over ever again. I dedicated my time to personal wellness, and the changes I needed to make to feel confident in who I was. This is the path that worked for me. It came in three stages, awareness, acceptance, and then growth.
Building awareness is the foundation to your wellness journey. The more you become curious and learn about yourself the more you will be able to change.
Acceptance is the hardest step. It is hard to accept things about yourself that you don’t like. However, if you can’t accept that they are there, then you will never get to change them. The goal is to learn how to change through love, not through fear.
Growth is the last phase. This is where you are fully walking in who you are. This stage is owning your life, and feeling confident in who you are. Through this confidence you are able to accomplish your dreams.
Ellie Curry