Want to feel sexy, then start with creating a sexy mindset! Yes I have said it before, and I will say it again (and shout it if I have to!) the key to feeling sexy or being confident is to start with your mindset.
When it comes to your body image where do your thoughts go? For the longest time, my thoughts were not nice! I would beat myself up, and see only my “flaws.” It is interesting because when I look back at pictures I don’t see any other those flaws I used to beat myself up about. I actually wished I would have cherished the way I looked and had been more confident in my body image. Can you relate? After realizing this I decided it was time to break the cycle.
I started to brainstorm how to feel sexy. What in life made me feel sexy? When I lose weight I will feel sexy. When I have perfect skin I will feel sexy. When I can get rid of these bags under my eyes I will feel sexy. I choose all of these things that are in the future. Some illusion of sexy, that I don’t even know once I achieve them if I will feel sexy. I am making assumptions and using those assumptions to try to solve my need to feel sexy.
Don’t get me wrong long term goals are great to have, but why wait on feeling something until you achieve them? Why not feel sexy right now? Feeling sexy is just that it is a feeling, and our thoughts create our feelings. We are in control of how we feel each and every day. Grab your journal or a piece of paper and I want you to brainstorm how can I feel sexy right now? List everything that comes to mind. For me, I feel sexy when I feel luxurious. It means wearing a cute outfit and some heels. I feel sexy right after a workout. I feel sexy when I have my nails painted. I now have three different ways I can embody the feeling I want right now.
This is the process of taking out the middleman you think you need to feel a certain way. This takes the delay out of your desired feelings. Instead of waiting a long time to feel a certain way you get to create that feeling right now.
Having trouble coming up with ideas on how to feel sexy? Think about all the things that bring you to life, that light you up on the inside. Being sexy is living your authentic self. Being sexy is being confident in who you are.
Ellie Curry